Collaboration between hot and cold working

September 2018
The Studio Corning Museum of Glass, Corning NY, USA

Working in the cold shop andgetting some more "tips und tricks" as you say in german, from Melfor example: on how to grind the object so it will stand in an angle.
Beside that we learned how to work with an anglegrinder to grind a lip inside an object.

In September we moved on to working on our personalproject in which I worked with cutting different glass layers into graphicaltriangles and casting them together in the kiln in multiple layers.

Later on we kept working on Switch-a-roo pieces: Acolaboration between the hot shop of Nancy Callan and the cold shop students.Two students, one from the cold shop and one from the hot shop, wouldunknowingly get paired and collaborate. We, in the cold shop, made a patterndesign that the hot shop students used as a reference and afterwards we got thepiece back and cold worked it.

After we received a piece from the hot shop alongsidewith a pattern design that we had to work on to reach replicate. At the end ofthe session all students met, and we had a small show of the finished piecesand a discussion about the different interpretations of the drawings and thecollaborative results. Through out the collaboration the"partnerships" was kept as a secret so it was interesting at the screeningto find out who your colab partner was.

The class in Corning was weeks of intense learning,getting taught with new perspective and working in the different sections ofthe studio: From a colab with the hot shop, trough the kiln rooms, print room andtrough the cold shop and the engraving studio. An intense whole day class withmany new details and knowledge that will help me work more and more on my ownpieces with new knowledge of the possibilities of glass.

Glass Artist Nancy Callan Glass, Mel Douglass Corning Museum of Glass,
Nacy Callan Glass, Glass Art, Jonas Noël Niedermann
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