„Pressefreiheit“ in the making - Hochform Studio

November 2018
Wilfried Markus, Rheinfelden, Germany

November was a great month, working on severaldifferent projects for the own label: hochform - Studio for glass andproduct design.

During this time we rented Wilfried Markus GlassStudio in Rheinfelden. Here me and the co-owner; of hochform: Christiane Frommelt, Glassand Product designer worked on the following products:

thecitrus presses "Pressefreiheit" made for Okro Konzepte in Chur andfor the BKV: the Bavarian art and craft Association based in Munich. Duringthis time we also we finished the new carafe series called: "Fassbar"and started a working on several prototypes for a new carafe made exclusivelyand in collaboration with Okro Konzepte.

Itwas a good and productive month with hard work, several new ideas, prototypesand creative discussions about  the shape, look, form, size, height andthickness.

Picturesare following soon on the webpage of hochform Studio: www.inhochform.com

Wilfried Markus, Rheinfelden, Jonas Noël Niedermann
Wielfried Markus glas, rheinfelden,
jonas noel niedermann, glasmacher, glasblasen,
glasmachen, glasblasen, glaskunst, rheinfelden
hochform studio, pressefreiheit
pressefreiheit, hochform studio, Niedermann und Frommelt
Christiane Frommelt, glasmachen
glas wilfried
glasschmelzen, wilfried markus
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